Dear Parents,
Hi everyone,
We are looking forward to our trip to the Waipawa Settlers Museum and Oruawharo Homestead this Wednesday. We will be leaving HNPS by 9.15 and will return to school before 3 o’clock. The children need to wear school uniform. Please ensure they have a fleece and a rain jacket, a large lunch and drink of water. If your child does not travel well please let me know and I will place them near the front of the bus and keep an eye on them.
Glued into the back of homework books is an updated
essential spelling list. Please keep
working through the high-lighted words.
Re-visit words frequently to ensure consolidation.
Remember to view our wiki page http://rimaroom.wikispaces.com/ and class blog http://hnpsjarvis.blogspot.co.nz/. This is a great way to get the children talking about their learning. We would love you to post some comments onto our blog.
Homework Tasks-reading, essential spelling words, mathletics, numeracy knowledge ladder and handwriting.
Have a great
week, Sue