Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Our very own Mr Bassett

Our very own Mr Bassett on PhotoPeach

We made up our own song for Mr Bassett who is retiring from being the caretaker at HNPS for 16 years.  We drew pictures to illustrate the many jobs he does each day.  Thank you Mr Bassett.  You have been great!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Water Survival - Life Jackets

Water Survival - Life Jackets on PhotoPeach

Today we learnt water safety skills.  We now know how to put on a life jacket, how it feels like to float with a life jacket on in the water and how we can help tow others if we need to look after each other.

Swimming Week 6

Swimming Week 6 on PhotoPeach

Monday, November 19, 2012

Retelling of Maui and the Sun, by Hanrich

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Maui and the sun by Zak

Audio recording >>

retelling of maui and the sun by Nicole

<object width="148" height="44"><param name="movie" value="http://vocaroo.com/player.swf?playMediaID=s1HyasI0L80B&autoplay=0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://vocaroo.com/player.swf?playMediaID=s1HyasI0L80B&autoplay=0" width="148" height="44" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object><br><a href="http://vocaroo.com" style="font-size:xx-small;" title="Vocaroo Voice Recorder">Voice Recorder &gt;&gt;</a>

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pipi Pizza Master Chef, Part 1

Pipi Pizza Master Chef, Part 1 on PhotoPeach

Master Chef, Pipi Style.  What an amasing experience.  Thank you so much to Alex and Chris for allowing this fun, educational learning experience to take place.  We think we are all master chefs after measuring, kneading and shaping the pizza dough, problem solving and making pizza boxes, making decisions on topping choices, creating an attractive looking pizza, tidying up our work benches and test tasting...we made the tastiest pizza's in town...well pretty close to the real Pipi Restaurant Pizza's!  Thanks again Alex and Chris.  You are tops!!

Pipi Pizza Master Chef, Part 2

Pipi Pizza Master Chef, Part 2 on PhotoPeach

Pipi Pizza Master Chef, Part 3

Pipi Pizza Master Chef, Part 3 on PhotoPeach

Pipi Master Chef, Part 4

Pipi Master Chef Part 4 on PhotoPeach

Retelling of fairy tales, fables and legends. Part 2

Retelling of Fairy tales, fables and legends. Part 2 on PhotoPeach

Friday, November 9, 2012

Retelling a fairy tale, legend, myth or fable

Retelling Fairy Tales, Fables and Legends on PhotoPeach

Retelling a fairy tale, legend, myth or fable

We are learning to speak clearly and confidently in front of an audience.
I can do this if I-
·       Speak slowly and clearly.
·       Use a loud voice others can hear.
·       Look at my audience when I am speaking
·       Am organized, by marking the pages/pictures I am going to show.

We are learning to retell our favourite fairy tale, legend, myth or fable.
I can do this if I-
·       Introduce the title, author and illustrator.
·       Tell the audience what kind of story it is…fairy tale, legend, myth or fable.
·       Introduce the characters and talk about where the story takes place.
·       Retell the events in sequence – beginning/problem/solution/conclusion.
·       Use language related to the story.
·       Talk about what is happening in two illustrations.
·       Give appropriate answers to questions about the story.

Retelling of Maui and the Sun by Zoe M

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Maui and the Sun by Callum

Record music and voice >>

Maui and the Sun written and retold by Holly

Audio and voice recording >>

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Swimming Week 3

Swimming - Week 3 on PhotoPeach

Blessing our new classrooms

Evan, Leo's little brother got to cut the ribbon.  When the ribbon was cut the classrooms were officially open!
Lots of important people came to help us bless the classrooms.  The Reverend from St Lukes said a prayer.

Mr Foss, a member of Parliament helped Evan cut the ribbon.
The Kapa Haka group sang a blessing.  They performed a poi dance.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How Maui slowed the Sun

We have been learning about legends.  How Maui slowed the Sun is one of our favourites.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Master Chef 2 - Making scones

Master Chef 2 - Making Scones on PhotoPeach

Yum, fun, team work and learning!  We love Master Chef!

Monday, October 22, 2012

HNPS 150 Anniversary Launch

Last Thursday all students participated in the launch of the HNP 150 Jubilee which will be held at Labour Weekend 2013. Our guests to help us mark this occasion were Mr Craig Foss and Deputy Mayor, Cynthia Bowyer.
Some students from each class held blue and black balloons to represent the original colours of our school. These balloons were released. Each balloon had a message attached to tell about our Jubilee. Registration information will be available on our school website in the next few weeks.

Enjoy some of the writing produced by the children after the event.

Guess what!
It is nearly Havelock North Primary's 150 anniversary.  There was a remote control helicopter with a camera All of the balloons looked like a flock of birds.  There was a balloon in the tree.  It was funny! By Callum
 Today is the day.  Soon the school is 150 years old.  8 people from every class got to release a black or blue balloon.  Me, Jess, Callum, Jack, Zoe C, Lachlan, Fionn and Leo.  Those are the 8 in my class.  I released a black balloon and Jess did too.  I wonder where the balloons went!  If you didn't release a balloon you would have watched them fly.  The balloons were easy to fly away.  Brianna had to watch it.  After that my class ran around the field. By Holly

When the balloons were flying I thought they might have been to heaven or out of space.  There are 150 balloons.  When the helicopter flew up it looked like there were aliens in the helicopter. It looked cool.
By Adien

Today is the day I get to watch the balloons get launched into the air.  The balloons are blue and black.  Callum, Jess, Zoe C, Fionn, Lachlan, Holly, Jack and Leo lauched the balloons.  My school is almost 150 years old.  Good big balloons!  By Violet
It is HNPS 149th anniversary.  150 people at our school let the balloons go.  I thought they were all going to pop when they let them go because they could of got stuck in a tree.  There was a little helicopter in the sky.  It was taking pictures of everyone holding a balloon. By Louie

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Master Chef

Master Chef on PhotoPeach

Room 5 integrated their learning experiences based around fractions, numeracy, reading, and the key competency focus of participating and contributing, by taking part in a "Master Chef" challenge!  Wow what fun and learning took place! 

The children had a packet of instant dessert.  The challenges came in a number of ways - reading and then comprehending the instructions, measuring out 2 cups of milk when the equipment given was either a 1/2 cup, 1/4 cup or 1/3 cup measure, working out the duration of 2/3 minutes...and then 10 minutes, and of course working as part of a team. Each team member was given a position of responsibility - reader, equipment/ingredient gopher, timer or beater.  

After the desserts were made,  Mrs O had the pleasure of being Master Chef judge! Of course the best part for the children came in the tasting.  After sampling the 5 different flavours they decided to have a "children's" vote.  They collected the data for "favourite dessert".  The next learning experience will be in presenting the data...graphs/statistics!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Haircut-athon on PhotoPeach
What a lot of fun some of us had getting our hair washed, cut and styled at Milton's salon in the village.  We loved being pampered and looked so funky, handsome and beautiful when we were finished.  Thank you Milton and your staff, and the Home and School helpers, for such a  fun, fund-raising event!  I wonder if we broke the record for the Guiness Book of Records?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Scenery and puppet characters

Scenery and puppet characters on PhotoPeach

Enjoy the stunning scenery and detailed stick puppets we made to retell "Peter and the Wolf."

Our own show - Peter and the Wolf

Peter and the Wolf - show on PhotoPeach

We made our own back drop and characters of "Peter and the Wolf" and produced our own show.  Our big buddies were a very considerate audience.

Peter and the Wolf

There  was once a famous Russian composer, Sergei Prokofiev.  He wanted to write a piece of music to introduce children to the instruments of the orchestra.  He thought the best way of doing this was to write a story and set music to it.  The story is about a brave young boy named Peter, his Grandfather, three animal friends - a little bird, a duck and a cat - a band of huntsmen and a wicked wolf.
After listening to lots of different versions of the story we decided that  the setting, characters, problem, solution and conclusion were very similar in all the stories.  We have made puppets and scenery to retell the story to you.  We hope you enjoy the show!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Sewing - week 3

Folk Dancing

Folk Dancing on PhotoPeach
Folk Dancing is so much fun.  We have been learning a variety of dances.  Some dances are performed in a circle, others in a line and some just in our own space or as a pair.  To participate and contribute successfully we need to listen, think about, and respond appropriately in all situation.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Peer editing

Part of being a strong writer is re-reading and reworking our writing.  Being able to work together and help each other edit our work helps us reinforce and drive our own learning.  We have 23 teachers in Room 5.  We are all able to help each other by giving feedback and feed forward.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sewing onto Hessian - session 3

Sewing onto Hessian on PhotoPeach

We created our own design which was transferred onto our hessian.  We are beginning to sew around the outline.  You can see from the photographs how hard we concentrated and persevered.

Numeracy through time, measurement and the Olympics.

Numeracy through time, measurement and the Olympics. on PhotoPeach

We explored number,measurement and time through the Olympics.  Wow, we now understand how fast Usain Bolt can run over 100 metres.  Some of us are exploring the number 1500.  This is the distance Nick Willis ran  in the Olympics.  We are going to use our understanding of 100 metres to measure 1500 metres...watch this space!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sewing - week 2


Most of the Room 5 children can now thread their own needle and tie a knot.  Bring on the hessian!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Olympics, Number and Measurement. Part 1

The Olympics, Number and Measurement! on PhotoPeach

We used number knowledge and strategy, along with measurement, to help our understanding of what it takes to be an Olympian.  We now have more of an understanding of how tall athletes are, how heavy a shot put is, how far Valerie Adams can throw the shot put, the world record length for long jump and how far 100 metres is.   These athletes are exceptional!  

Friday, August 31, 2012

Calendar Art

Our calendar art was inspired by our study of Picasso's art works.  We were learning to use curved lines and colour in a balanced way.  To add interest, we cut through our patterns using straight lines.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jack's Timeline

Jack hopes you enjoy looking through his timeline of important historical events starting from the Dinosaur age and working through to where he see's himself in the future.  Jack developed this presentation in writing and reading sessions.  I'm sure you will agree that it is an amasing piece of research.  You are an impressive author Jack!

Monday, August 20, 2012


Going...going...gone!!  It didn't take long to demolish Room 11 and 12.  I wonder what will be put in their place?

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Room 5 Olympians!

Despite the wet weather we managed to have our Olympian day where we dressed up as an athlete.  Try to guess our sport!  We enjoyed a session of Jump Jam and then tried to beat Usian Bolts sprint time over 100 metres!  Relays are fun but we had to be careful not to drop the baton!!

Olympic Presentations

We are learning to present interesting facts from the newspaper, internet, books or from an expert on our new learning about the Olympics.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Olympic Flame by Louie

Olympic Flame • The Olympic Flame began during the ancient Olympic Games, over 2700 years ago in Greece. • The Flame is lit from the suns rays using a special mirror at the Temple of Hera in Olympia among the ancient ruins of the games. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/olympics/picturegalleries/9256880/London-2012-Olympic-torch-begins-its-journey-after-being-lit-in-Olympia-Greece.html#?frame=2215633 • After a short relay around Greece, the Flame is handed over to the new Host City at another ceremony in Athens. http://static.nme.com/images/gallery/2012MuseOlympicTorchPA210512.jpg • The Flame is then delivered to the Host Country, where it is transferred from one Torchbearer to another, spreading the message of peace, unity and friendship. It ends its journey as the last Torchbearer lights the cauldron at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in the Olympic Stadium, marking the official start of the Games. • This is a video clip of the lighting of the Olympic Flame at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. It is lit with a flaming arrow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSA9xUUXj6E • The Flame is extinguished on the final day of the Games, at the Closing Ceremony.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Olympian Athletes

We designed our own sports uniform keeping in mind our New Zealand heritage.  Can you guess which sport our athlete is competing in?

Our last Omni Gym Session

Monday, August 6, 2012

The Blue Crystal, HNPS Production

The Blue Crystal has been stolen y an alien race from Planet Zarcon.  The human race will only survive if Captain Tor can recover the crystal.

Jack Frost, By Jack

Jack Frost
Jack Frost is here.
He makes my toes tingle.
I think it is sugar.
Jack Frost gets chased away in the morning.
I think the sun makes him melt.
It is like the place in Antarctica.
The wood was as cold as an ice berg and as slippery as ice melting.
I think he comes at night and leaves in the morning.
I think he comes from the cold.
When he leaves he left his foot prints behind.
By jack

Olympian Valarie Adams, by Mia


What sport does she do?

How old is she?
27 years old.

How tall is she?
196 centimetres.  Take a look at our classroom door. 
The same as Usain Bolt!

How far can she put the shot put?
21.24 metres.  Take a look at the rope outside the classroom.

How heavy is the shotput?
4 kilograms.  Lift up the bag and feel how heavy this is.

How many gold medals has she won?
1 Olympic gold
3 World Championship golds
2 Commonwealth Games golds

When does she compete in London?
Tomorrow. GO VALERIE!


Olympian Nick Willis, by Lachlan

Click on this Blue National Anthem
Nick Willis1500m – Men
Age at 2012 Games: 29
Date of Birth: 24/April/1983
Birthplace: Lower Hutt, Wellington
Lives: United States of America
Weight: 68.00
Height: 1.80
Nick studies at the University of Michican, he has carried on the New Zealand middle-distance running tradition after the famous names of Peter Snell and John Walker.
London will be Nick's third Olympic Games. At his first games in Athens Nick was a semi-finalists, Nick then went onto win the silver medal in the 1500m at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. He won a gold medal in the 1500 metres at the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne and a bronze medal at the 2010 Commonwealth Games.
Now let’s watch the race of the Semi Final to see if Nick Willis made the final for this Tuesday evening for the gold medal. Nick Willis Semi Final today’s race (click on Blue highlighted Nick Willis)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Lily's Olympic Presentation

Lily researched the Olympic sport, Gymnastics, and shared her new learning on a google docs presentation.
We learnt so many interesting facts and especially enjoyed the video.  Well done Lily!

Leo's Timeline

Leo created a timeline of important historical events starting from the Dinosaur age and working through to where he see's himself in the future.  Leo developed this presentation in writing and reading sessions.  I'm sure you will agree that it is an amasing piece of research.  You are an impressive author Leo!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Making connections in Maths

How we use - what we know, to help us solve problems.  We are learning that we can show our understanding in different ways.
We are all teachers in Room 5.  We are learning to listen and think about what others are saying to us.  If we don't understand we are learning to ask questions to find out more.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Rings, Bar and ropes at Omni.

Boing! Boing! Boing! goes the trampoline.
Swing, swing I go on the rope.
I tried to not fall in the lava.
I went on the spring board,
We did running, stretching, swinging and bouncing.
By Callum

Bounce, I go on the spring board.
Splat, I land on the blue mat.
Bounce, here I go on the trampoline.
We learnt to do tucks.
To do tucks you have to tuck your knees.
Squish, squash goes the foam pit.
Jump...I go into the foam pit!

I did jumps on the beam.  I did not fall off.
We jumped into a pool of foam at the end.
I went on the trampoline.  I did tucks and I did star-jumps.
I had a lot of fun at the Omni Gym.
When I jumped on the springboard it felt as if I was flying!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What fun we had at the Omni Gym!

Wow, look at the fun and new learning that took place at the Omni Gym.  I wonder if we will end up at the Olympics?
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