Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Jack's Timeline

Jack hopes you enjoy looking through his timeline of important historical events starting from the Dinosaur age and working through to where he see's himself in the future.  Jack developed this presentation in writing and reading sessions.  I'm sure you will agree that it is an amasing piece of research.  You are an impressive author Jack!


  1. Jack we are very impressed with your research and the effort you have made in your timeline. Well done

  2. Wow Jack what an amasing timeline.I liked the photos you picked.

  3. Wow! Jack your time line It was super duper great I loved your pictures that you chose.

  4. WOW Jack your timeline is amazing.I liked the way you picked really good photos the photo I liked best was the one when you are going to be an adult.By Zoe M

  5. wow Jack your timeline was amazing.I liked the song and the photos the best


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