Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Olympic Flame by Louie

Olympic Flame • The Olympic Flame began during the ancient Olympic Games, over 2700 years ago in Greece. • The Flame is lit from the suns rays using a special mirror at the Temple of Hera in Olympia among the ancient ruins of the games. • After a short relay around Greece, the Flame is handed over to the new Host City at another ceremony in Athens. • The Flame is then delivered to the Host Country, where it is transferred from one Torchbearer to another, spreading the message of peace, unity and friendship. It ends its journey as the last Torchbearer lights the cauldron at the Olympic Games Opening Ceremony in the Olympic Stadium, marking the official start of the Games. • This is a video clip of the lighting of the Olympic Flame at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. It is lit with a flaming arrow. • The Flame is extinguished on the final day of the Games, at the Closing Ceremony.


  1. Wow Louie, it was exciting to see how the archer lit the olympic cauldon.

  2. Great work Louie, I wish I could have been there to see your presentation.

  3. WOW LOUIE. I loved it how you got the flame on it. VERY GOOD LOUIE.FROM JACK


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